Maybe I'll Become a Vegetarian

As anyone who knows me can confirm, I am a huge advocate for animals. I take in all the strays, especially those nobody else wants. In Florida, I had a blind, diabetic poodle to which I had to administer insulin shots twice a day. I also had an epileptic poodle who was prone to having seizures and freaking me out. The third poodle had a problem too, but his wasn't medical. It was just gross. He ate his own poop. (At least he never left a mess!)

I also donate to animal causes - money, time, talents. Whatever they can use, I try to give. In fact, I'm thinking of going into the dog-walking business here, but I'll save those details for a later blog.

Anyway, suffice it to say I love animals. But I also like eating meat. Sorry. I actually envy those people who can give up meat and dairy products. I really love fruits and vegetables, but I can't get myself to eat soy, tofu, a veggie burger or any of those other foods. I'd have to live off salads for breakfast, lunch and dinner if I gave up meat. I just can't stomach the substitutes.

Until this morning.

I've been working out almost every day, so I'm trying to eat healthier too. That includes egg white omelets about three mornings a week. This morning I just barely tapped my second egg. The light above the stove caught it just right and I noticed a feather sticking out of the crack of the egg. For a moment I stood there trying to determine what to do.

If I crack the egg completely open, is there a baby chick inside? Dead, of course, but still traumatic for an animal lover to witness.

I pondered that for a bit, and I'm not sure if it was gross curiosity, extreme bravery or sheer stupidity, but I cracked it wide open. No chick. Just a furry yolk I guess. Actually, it was just a small feather and I guess it must have just not been washed clean before it was sent to the grocery store. Still, it was enough to make me wonder if the vegetarians have it right.

I don't think I'll ever be a "good" vegetarian, but fortunately it's not a religion. I can pick and choose a little more carefully and maybe cut back on my animal products. I won't stop drinking milk (how else would I drink my coffees if not with milk?). I probably won't stop eating eggs, though I may switch to egg whites like Egg Beaters or something similar. I doubt I'll stop eating ham or turkey, but there are a few things I could probably cut out of my diet that would make my vegetarian friends a little proud, and make me healthier in the process.

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