Before FarmVille, my mom would send me e-mails that said things like,
"Hey Honey,
How are you? Your dad and I miss you. Hope you are doing well. We went to Bingo last night and Dad won $10 dollars. Boy, you should have heard Betty cuss! She was so mad because it's either me or your dad winning every week. Two weeks ago I won the jackpot. Sadie is okay, but she has been barking a lot lately when people come to the door. I hope she's not going blind."
Now that Mom is playing FarmVille, I get a lot more email than I used to get, but this is what they look like:
"How do I get my cows in the barn?"
Yeah. That's the whole message. No wasting any time asking, "How are you?"
Going through my inbox for the past couple of days, I have decided to share a few with you.
1. "I hit add neighbors up at the top of the farm page and lost both the two you put in for me. I still have the request form but I don't know how to do this."
2. "I must be doing something wrong as I lost the 2 friends you sent, then they came back with some others and now they are gone again so I only have you and Veda and Ann. I can't understand why I am losing them."
3. "Question. When I plant the veggies or seeds, whatever I plant stays in my hand even when I am through and I have to leave the program to get it out of my hand. Is there a key somewhere to push to get rid of the item. Come see! I did a lot today. I got some animals too."
4. "I can see all my work around the house is going down the tubes now that I'm playing this game."
>>Yeah. I can see that too.
5. "How much cash or XP do I have to have to get more land?"
6. "I can go to the English countryside now. My spaceship is on hold and my cotton is planted. Should I go when I am ready or wait until I am more familiar?"
>> It's not a spaceship. It's a hot air balloon. But I suppose if you've been up all night with your FarmCrack that your eyes could be playing tricks on you.
7. "I have started my stables and have a chicken coop. What are you guys going to do today?"
>>That's my favorite. Like I'm supposed to believe she's been building a horse stable in her back yard and working on the chicken coops. What am **I** going to do? Because whatever it is, it's not as productive as she's been!
8. "Hi hon. Someone wanted to be my neighbor and was wearing a scarf but it said two mutual friends and your name was there so I accepted."
9. "Hi hon. Guess you are up and on the farm. Can you send me some building materials if you got any extra?"
>>I'm doing great, Mom. Thanks for asking.
This is what happens when you give your mom a MacBook and teach her how to use Facebook.
May 19, 2011 at 7:46 PM
LOL!! LOL!! That is hilarious! You didn't realize you would become her "tech" support did you? Fun post! Love the background...when I was playing around in blogger, that's the one I chose too! Great minds, you know!
May 19, 2011 at 10:55 PM
Thanks, Julie. Oh, I should have known I'd become tech support too. I knew I was in over my head when I woke up one morning and the only thing in her email was, "Why won't my cows go in my barn?" It was a shame that I knew exactly what she meant. Marso, however, was scratching his head. :)
And yes, great minds, fo' shizzle!
May 20, 2011 at 8:10 AM
I LOVE this! When I first moved away from home I'd get random calls from my parents "the computer made this noise" etc.
Then they threw it out.
Without clearing the hard drive.
Mum wanted my flight itinerary the other day. I said to her "if you had a computer I could just email it to you"...her reply?
"computers are evil and a waste of time".
Gotta love her.
(and she's only 50!)