What's In Jen's Purse?

They say you can tell a lot about a girl by what she keeps in her purse.  So, I got the idea that showing you a picture of my purse and its contents may help you get to know me a little better.

Ice Cubes are favorite gum.  I actually didn’t buy this gum very often because the box was pretty clumsy, but they recently started packaging the gum in plastic boxes.  Yeah, the price went up a little bit, but who cares?  I don’t have to pick gum out of the bottom of my purse anymore!  That’s worth the extra 12-cents or whatever it is.

What does this gum say about me?  That I have bad breath?  That I like peppermint?  I dunno.

That polka-dotted thing you see is a card case.  I use it for my subway pass and the gate key for my condo.

What does this say about me?  I think it says I’m organized.  Why keep your cards in a wallet that you have to unsnap and dig to find when you can keep it in a case that is easily accessible.  It probably also tells you I love accessories.  And purses.  And purse-like things.  I’m girly that way.

The colorful little case you see is a business card case.  If you look closely, you see the LV logo for Louis Vuitton.  Not because I’m a snob – because I found it in Indonesia for like $4.00.  No, it’s not real Louis Vuitton, but admit it, you wouldn’t have known if I hadn’t told you.

 What does this tell you about me?  I have business cards.  Oooohhh.  Ya want one?

The wallet is also a knock-off.  I picked up this little Coach wallet in Indonesia too.  I think it was like $6 bucks.  It’s a really good knock-off and I like how it looks with my purse, which I love, by the way.

The red case is holding my prescription sunglasses.  A girl’s gotta see even when the sun is shining!

You can see the little change purse in the back right corner – pink plaid kinda pattern.  I bought that when I lived in Tokyo.  It’s one of my favorite things.  I love how when I open it up it’s kind of a square shape and my money doesn’t come falling out.  I can see all my coins perfectly well without having to dig.

I think this should tell you that I’m organized, not high maintenance.  So if you were thinking high maintenance, you’re wrong.  So you can stand there in your wrongness and be wrong.

There is a bottle of Tylenol next to the sunglasses.  I’ve got two teenagers.  I get headaches.

The little green bottle next to the gum and the wallet says M-Grain on it.  It’s an essential oil I use for migraine headaches.  Yep.  Teenagers.

You see the Wet Ones?  Those are because I’ve got teenagers, and without a doubt, we get somewhere and one of them has sticky fingers or something on their arm or … whatever.  You’d swear they were six.

The blue case with the girl’s face on it is my passport cover.

The purple thing on top is my inhaler.  That lets you know that I’ve got asthma.

You see the fireball and the Twix?  Yeah.  They’re no longer in my purse.  I figured, “Why bother going to the trouble of putting them back in there when I can just eat them and throw the wrappers away?”  See how efficient I am?

There are two glass bottles standing up behind the passport case.  Both are shades of purple.  Those are oils I use for headaches, stress, etc.  They’re roll on oils so they’re easier to apply than the other stuff.

My orange flowery thing is a tissue holder … in my favorite color!

Last you see three pens.  Why three?  Because chances are someone is going to borrow one from me and not return it, so I will need a back-up.  Two is not enough because what if the one I’m left with runs out of ink?  See?  I’m a planner!

Hoping this little game of, “What’s In Jen’s Purse?” has helped you learn a little more about me.  I’d love to know what’s in YOUR purse!  Drop me an email with a picture and the list of contents.  Let’s see if I can figure some things out about you!

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