Wedgie Man

An open letter to the man who picked his wedgie as I walked behind him this morning.

Dear Wedgie Picker,

I was standing behind you today as we crossed Mitsume Dori. When the light turned green and you began to walk, it was *me* standing behind you who had to watch you dig your fingers inside your crack and pull out your apparently riding-up undies. This was not a pretty sight!

For one, Wedgie Man, you dug too deep.
Secondly, WM (may I call you WM for short?), you dug too long! How small *are* your underwear, anyway? 

Here's a tip - take Y800 out of your next paycheck and get a pair of boxer briefs. They're not only way better looking on men, but no wedgies! If you can afford it, splurge and spend Y1200 on the silky ones! Your bottom will thank you for it!


The girl who had to watch you dig.

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