On to the next Adventure

I can't believe that in a little over a month, it'll all be over in Tokyo and I'll be on to the next adventure -- Singapore. So many things to look forward to!

I've had tons of fun exploring Japan, and I'm very excited about what kinds of things lie ahead for me in Singapore. Mostly, I'm excited that I'll have 2 1/2 years there to do whatever it is I will do. So what will I do?

Well, for one thing, there's a group of women there -- the ExxonMobil Expats -- that meet regularly for everything from Starbucks coffee and movies to game night and tours. Lots of opportunities to meet new friends and get out and see the country.

I'm also excited about our apartment. We haven't picked one out yet, but we do have a few requirements. It must have a gym and a pool. And it must be near Starbucks. Funny how my priorities have changed in this short time since leaving the US. I'm not nearly as picky about square footage or countertops. Now I just want a gym to work out in and a pool to cool off in. And coffee. Is that too much to ask for?

Singapore is also a great place to shop! While I can't afford most of what they're selling on Orchard Road, I love to look at all those gowns in the windows at Louis Vuitton and the shoes at Jimmy Choo. And who knows, maybe I'll catch a great sale!

Our friends from Louisiana -- Chad & Shea -- are also considering an opportunity in Singapore. I'm excited about the chance to live near them again. Their daughter and D'Ette are great friends. Their son Kade is always great for laughs! And they've got a new baby for me to love on! Oh, and of course we just adore Chad and Shea!

I've also thought about going back to school. I'm not sure yet what for. I've toyed around with massage therapy for a long time. If I'm going to become a licensed massage therapist, where better to learn than Asia? I've also toyed around with a degree in religion.

Lastly -- I believe that we're going to have fantastic opportunities to serve our community when we get to our next stop on the Asian Tour. We've already begun the search for a church that we feel would be a perfect fit.

Just the fact that I have so many opportunities within reach is exciting. I'm still not sure exactly what I'm going to do, but am definitely open to whatever God has for me, and whatever THAT is -- I can't wait to blog about it!

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