
Before moving to Japan I was well aware that the Japanese have a tough time pronouncing the letter "L." It just does not exist in their vocabulary! So, before we moved here, our friend Chris pointed out that we might be coming during their pubric erections (public elections - har har har).

I thought that was hilarious. Then when we got here and found out it really is time to vote in some new officials we realized we really did get here during erection season.

Until today that was one of my favorite Japanese mispronunciations. Tonight we had dinner with a family that I am absolutely IN LOVE WITH! Marso works with the guy whose family we went out with tonight. It was our first time meeting his wife and I have to say that she is my new best friend. She is the Japanese version of me! Seriously! If you've ever heard that Japanese people don't really have a sense of humor, you're right. But they forgot to tell this woman she wasn't supposed to crack jokes. And her husband is exactly the same way!

So anyway, we were talking about music at dinner tonight and she pointed out that her husband does enjoy rock music from America. In fact, he's very fond of Eric Crapton. That's my new favorite mispronunciation!

Crap your hands! Stomp your feet!

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