
Every year I make a New Year's Resolution, and every year I break it. It usually goes something like this ...
This year I will lose weight. This year I will exercise more. This year I will eat healthier. This year I will wear a size (fill in the blank).

However, this year I decided not to do that to myself again. You see, I'm an "all or nothing" kind of girl. And I'm anal retentive. I can't start my diet on a Tuesday. It has to be a Monday or nothing. And if I wake up Monday morning and forget I was starting my diet that morning -- and maybe I eat a bowl of sugared cereal, or I skip breakfast altogether and overeat for lunch ... well, then I have to start NEXT Monday. And I have to keep a notebook. I have to write down everything I eat and everything I am doing. And if I forget a day, I have to start over. Yeah. Pretty freakin' ridiculous, isn't it?

So this year I have decided not to do that to myself. This year I am going to just allow myself to live life and enjoy it. I'm not saying I'm not concerned about my health, but I'm not going to kill myself to meet a specific goal. I'm going to take baby steps and I'm going to see what happens. I guess that means I resolve that this year I will not resolve anything.


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