The Big 38

I know it looks like I turned 344, but I'm not there quite yet. Krystal couldn't find an "8" candle, so I told her the two 4's would work. This is the delicious carrot birthday cake Krystal picked up for me for my birthday.

This year on my 38th birthday, I was on an airplane flying back to Florida from Texas. Not my favorite way to bring in my day. There was no fanfare at 12:00. Not sure what I expected, but how cool would it have been if the stewardess had looked on the manifest and noticed that the girl sitting in 36K was having a birthday. Then she'd tell the pilot, who would lead the entire plane in "Happy Birthday." A delicious cake would come down the aisle and I would get to blow out the candles (yes, they would allow fire on the airplane this ONE time for MY birthday). The other passengers would clap their hands and whistle. I'd get to share my cake with the other passengers, who would all be so grateful that they'd dig through their carry-ons for something to give me as a gift. I'd go home with new books, gum, some souvenirs from the places they've visited and a new set of golf clubs.

Who says I lost my imagination?

I spent the night at the Marriott inside Tampa International Airport. Well, since it was midnight after I checked in, it was technically not overnight. And since it was my birthday, the Marriott manager should have comped my room, but oh well.

I woke up and got my rental car. Julie Grant called me to see if I wanted to meet her at Starbucks on my way to the Azzarella's house. She bought my coffee since it was my birthday (my FIRST birthday acknowledgement!).

That evening was really nice, too. Krystal took me to Olive Garden and we had a great birthday dinner just us two gals. I really love Krystal. She is just such a sweetheart and a great friend. She is one of those people that, no matter how long we've been apart, we always pick right back up where we left off. That's such a great feeling!

There are so many things to be grateful for this year as I turn 38. First and foremost, I'm not turning 40 this year. That's what I'm most grateful for! Aside from that, I'm really happy I got to spend my birthday in Florida. I didn't have a big party or any kind of humongous celebration for my birthday, but that's okay. I was on U-S soil. (Well, for most of it anyway ... except for the part when I was in American air space, which still counts in my book!) I was in Florida. And I got to spend it with one of the most wonderful people I know, my friend Krystal. I'm grateful that I've got amazing friends and a loving family. I'm grateful for all the travel I've been able to do on this trip home. Oh, and I'm thankful I only had to blow out three candles and not 38. I'm not sure my lungs could have handled that!

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