Chinese New Year

I felt bad cheating on The Coffee Bean this afternoon when I stopped by Starbucks for a coffee. The nice part about this particular Starbucks, though, is that there is an outdoor balcony overlooking the entrance to the mall. The entrance is typically decorated with something festive. As we get ready for Chinese New Year in Singapore, there are beautiful lion costumes on display and a huge red arch at the entrance.

I wasn’t sitting outside, but it was easy to hear the drums when they started banging. I got up to see what was all the commotion and noticed that one of the costumes had been moved off the pedestals and it was moving!

Two men were inside the costume, but they moved like one. It was incredible to watch this thing dancing around. I actually forgot I was watching a costume. This thing moved so realistically that for a minute I thought it was a giant version of my dog Boo. I swear this lion even had Boo’s mannerisms!

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